Kunshan Kobura Trading Co., Ltd.
المنتجات الرئيسيةAys ، اضغط على ays ، إطارات مملوءة برغوة البولي يوريثيرين ، قالب على ، محور

Over 30 years of rich experience in the solid tire industry, with advanced and unique production art & processes, flexible and diverse formulas, and stable &reliable quality. Strong design and R & D capabilities, can accurately customize suitable solid tires according to customer requirements.

Our solid tires are sturdy, wear-resistant, puncture resistant, tear resistant, non chipping, high loading, low rolling resistance, low heat generation, zero maintenance cost, and durable.

Excellent technical and marketing teams can provide high-quality pre-sales, sales, and after-sales service guarantees, with high customer satisfaction.

Our solid tire prices are reasonable , with high cost-effectiveness.


Ensure quality and safety, quality and reliability, focus on machine tools for 28 years, welcome to purchase.